Sunday nights, begins 9/9
6 pm – 7:15 pm Memorial Chapel CAMPUS
6 – 7 pm Bible Study with dessert in Chapel Lounge
7-7:15 pm Prayer Service Garden Chapel
What does the Bible REALLY say about Jesus?
Are you looking for a safe non-judgmental place to
-Read the Bible
-Learn about Jesus (either for the first time, or to deepen your faith)
-Ask whatever questions you have about the Bible, faith, spirituality?
-Explore how to live out spiritual values in the midst of daily campus challenges?
Come for a fun weekly discussion with dessert
We are starting with the Gospel of Mark.
Each time we will end with a short evening prayer service.
Conversations led by Chaplain Holly Ulmer
Come and go as needed.
You do not have to be Christian or religious to attend.