“Relationships in the Age of Facebook” Sunday Night Discussion

This Valentine’s Day, come discuss how facebook is a powerful influence in the way we are relating to each other today and answer some of the following questions!

While in some ways we can more easily connect with others, how REAL is it? Do people honestly express thoughts and feelings or is it more about IMAGE? Has Facebook mostly contributed positively to your friendships and romantic relationships? Or has it caused you anxiety or even created jealousy?! One study found that high levels of Facebook usage were associated with negative relationship outcomes like cheating and break-ups. What wisdom or light can spirituality and faith shed on this topic?

Come for a lively discussion about the many ways Facebook impacts all of our relationships.

This is part of the L3 Listening to the Voice of Vocation Discussion Series: Topic - Called to be in Community.

Courtney Steininger, Intern

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