L3: Power of Purpose Starts up on 9/5!

What are you passionate about? Why are you “here”? Found your “calling(s)”? How can your one precious life really make a difference in the lives of others?

Join us for L3: Power of Purpose

Wednesdays, beginning Sept. 5

12 - 2 p.m. (Come and go as needed)

Pyon Su Room, 2108, Stamp Student Union

This fun weekly discussion group includes a FREE lunch and empowers students to connect their spirituality and/or core values to their personal, academic, professional and life choices.

Dialogue, and reflect with other students on a journey of self-discovery about what matters most to you as you dream and plan for life now and after graduation.

Our lively conversations and reflective practices occur in a safe space that welcomes and honors diverse spiritual, religious and secular voices. For more info, contact Chaplain Holly Ulmer, Facebook – Holly Ulmer, or ulmer@umd.edu.

L3: Listen, Learn, Lead: Integrating spirituality/faith or core values with university life towards creating a professional, meaning-filled future. L3 is a program of United Campus Ministry Chaplaincy.

Also find us on OrgSync https://orgsync.com/142493/groups, Facebook L3 – Listen, Learn, Lead

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