Hello Everyone,
Hope you have been having a good week. Join us Sunday night for a great study break.
Jesus’ parables were the social media of his time, pictures of what life with God is like, God’s Kingdom of divine love, justice and peace.
10/11, 6-7 pm, join us for a relaxing and fun exploration of Jesus’ Parable of the Sower, Mark 4:3-8
We will read the parable using the creative spiritual practice of Lectio Divina (we will teach you how to do this), and explore a social justice interpretation of the passage.
What is God saying to you, to us? How are we called to respond?
Whether you are just curious about the Bible or Christianity, or come from a Christian or other religious tradition, you are very welcome!
We honor and celebrate diverse voices and perspectives. UCM-L3 is an affirming, inclusive, easy-going, caring community, following Jesus Christ and his call to social justice. We are supported by the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and the United Church of Christ.
Have a great weekend, and hope to see you Sunday.
Peace and blessings, Chaplain Holly