Hello all, As COVID-19 has spread into our various communities, we can imagine you have all been greatly affected. During this trying time, we would like to hear from you how L3 and United Campus Ministry can continue to serve your needs remotely.
On Wednesday at 12 o’clock, we will be having a Zoom session so that you can check-in with us, let us know how you are feeling, and alert us to how L3 and United Campus Ministry can support you for the rest of the semester. We also have ideas we’d like to share with you, and would like to explore ways we can help others during this critical time, continuing to love God and our neighbors.
You can join this Zoom session on Wednesday, March 25th at 12:00 PM through this link: https://umd.zoom.us/j/8577387490 Or by entering this meeting ID into the app: 857 738 7490
We pray that you and yours stay safe and healthy.
Blessings to all of you, L3 Interns Samantha & Jennifer, and Chaplain Holly
Thanks a lot