9/19 L3: Power of Purpose - Got Encouragement?

We are meeting tomorrow since First Look Fair is only happening on Thursday.

Our topic:

Got Encouragement? How are Family, Friends, Profs Impacting your Future plans and Self-Understanding

12 – 2 pm, Come and go as needed. Pyon Su Room, 2108, Stamp Student Union, LUNCH INCLUDED!

The circle of people around us is really important.

All of us have balcony people, people who lift us up, offer encouragement when we encounter challenging situations, and help us towards life goals.

And we also have cellar people, people who may not be ill-intentioned, but because of their own issues can make us doubt ourselves, deflate us, and even put obstacles in our way.

At different times in our lives sometimes a balcony person can become a cellar person, and visa versa.

As you ask big questions and make plans for your future, what role are family, friends, professors and others playing in your life and self-understanding as you hope and dream for your life beyond Maryland?

Who lets you be YOU, and gives you space to truly express and be yourself?

Come for a time of reflection (we will do a little journaling) and conversation on an important topic.

Hope to see you soon. : )

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